Our expedition style trips will give you a paddle experience like none other.


Escape into nature and enjoy a true eco-adventure. Enjoy the solitude and camaraderie of a few days paddling downstream, camping on sandbars and sitting around campfires. You'll eat good food and wake up to gorgeous views. The wildlife is plentiful and our small expedition group means you should see plenty of it. 

A lot of planning and logistics go into a successful river expedition and we’ll take care of all of it for you. All you need to do is show up with your gear at the designated meeting spot and be ready to paddle. We’ll take it from there. 

We’ll run the shuttle, so that your car is where it needs to be at the end of the trip. We’ll haul all the large camp essentials, such as the kitchen, food, water, tents, chairs and so on. Space will be limited in our gear boat, so unless you can fit it all in your own boat, you’ll need to pack pretty light. But that’s ok. You won’t need much. We’ll supply most of what you need. 

For more detailed packing information, check out our suggested packing list.



Here is a very basic outline of what your trip will be like. 

Day 1 

  • We’ll meet in the morning at the put in location. All gear will be unloaded from the vehicles and loaded into the boats. 
  • While the boats are being loaded, all drivers will help shuttle their own vehicles to the take out location. That way your car will be waiting for you at the end of the trip. We’ll then shuttle all drivers back to the put in, where all the boats should be loaded and ready to shove off. 
  • We’ll paddle thru the morning and pull over on a sand bar for lunch.
  • After lunch we’ll paddle all afternoon until we reach our designated camp site. Most often we’ll be setting up camp on a large sandbar. 
  • While your guides work to get camp set up, you can pick out your own gorgeous spot to pitch a tent. 
  • There will be ample free time to relax and explore the camp location while your guides prepare a tasty dinner. If you want to bring a fishing pole, camp time is perfect for dipping a line in the water and trying your luck. We’ll also have some fun backyard games to keep you entertained. After a day on the water, nothing beats a beer and horseshoes along the river with your new friends. 
  • After dinner, we’ll spend the evening sitting round the campfire.


Day 2

  • With any luck, you’ll be treated to a gorgeous sunrise along the river followed by hot coffee, or tea, and a hot breakfast. 
  • Once camp is all packed up we’ll again hit the water and paddle until lunch.
  • Lunch will be served along the river
  • We’ll then paddle through the afternoon, spotting wildlife and enjoying the mellow float downstream. 
  • Camp will again be set up along the river, followed by a tasty dinner and more time with friends around the campfire. 

Day 3

  • Our third day will start much like the 2nd. We’ll have breakfast and pack up camp. 
  • We’ll spend the morning paddling and have lunch along the river. 
  • After lunch, we’ll all make our way to the take out. 
  • We aim to be off the water and at our cars by mid-afternoon. That way you’ll have plenty of time to load up and make it home before it gets too late. 


Our two-day trips will follow the same basic schedule, minus Day 2. 


Click here for trip types and prices